Prince was raised in the small town of Madhya Pradesh known as Pipariya. Despite being born and brought up in Pipariya, Prince was always focused to achieve bigger things in life. Prince has a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from a reputed university. Prince is 27 years old but he holds a good amount of experience and knowledge of the business. After completing his studies, Prince went into the family business and got into the supply chain and transportation business. He is into the Khanuja group; a leading organisation that provides services for all government sectors. The organisation works for all government tenders in all sectors.
In case you’re worried about the products that the Khanuja group has, you must know that they are verified and certified by FCI, KHAAD, KRIPCO and INDEN. Khanuja Group has also served the Ministry of Child and Development, Government of India and also by Madhya Pradesh Housing and Infrastructure Board. Khanuja Group has been serving their customers since 21 years.
So, why Khanuja Group? Khanuja Group is a leading organization in Procurement & construction providing integrated and customized solutions for all government and private sector projects. In addition, Khanuja Group extends services to six sectors namely Import and Export, Supply Chain and Transportation, Confectionery Supply, Agricultural Transportation and Real Estate. Few services that Khanuja Group provides are listed below
Prince is also engaged in doing Groceries transportation from Indore to Pan India. Prince is an investor, learner and educator. He is keen to learn new things and is committed to learning new things and always be observant towards situations that happen around him. Prince has also been taking road transportation tenders all over India. His sheer dedication towards his goals has made him stand out.
Did you know about – D’Tea and Drink Xchange “Spill the tea for every mood”.. A QSR in partnership with Chai Vai Cafe Pvt Ltd. And they are increasing their outlets at many more locations. Prince is someone who takes life as a challenge and he is accepting the challenge so beautifully. Was Prince only into the supply chain? No, he also buys and sells properties. He has a real estate office. So everyone who doesn’t know what real estate is? As per wikipedia, Real estate is property in the form of land and buildings, rather than personal possessions. Prince has a keen interest in buying and selling properties and growing as an individual and scaling his business through the process.
Prince in his free time likes to spend time with his family and listening to some good music. Every human on this planet must have a hobby and Prince likes to listen to some good old songs. Working is what satisfies Prince. Working is what gets satisfaction and amusement to Prince.
Prince is politically inclined towards the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP). What is BJP? This is a question that many people have been asking lately. The Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, is a political party in India that has been gaining a lot of support recently. And one of the supporters of BJP is Prince. At the age of 27, where like most of other boys who live a normal life, Prince with her efforts is making a life that he dreamt of. A clear example of hard work and smartwork. Prince – A Businessman has courage and fighting spirit that makes him stand out in the crowd. To have a good business you must have knowledge of various different industries that Prince has. A good character is main arm towards a lifelong growth.